Year-Round Cleaning Tips for Your Bedroom

Cleaning Tips for Your Bedroom

No one likes cleaning their bedroom. No one really likes cleaning. Full stop. (Well, we do but we’ll come to that later.)

In this article, we are going to share with you year-round cleaning tips for your bedroom. We’re going to break down these bedroom cleaning tips into 3 key areas – regular cleaning, a yearly spring clean, and rewarding your efforts.

cleaning tips bedroom

Credit: Today

Regular Bedroom Cleaning Tips – Optimise for Efficiency

We couldn’t start with cleaning tips for your bedroom without first teaching you how to make your cleaning efforts as quick and efficient as possible. So, we’ve outlined 6 tips below that will help you improve your efficiency and get the basics done on a regular basis.

1. Prioritise Cleaning Areas

Before you get started take a look around and decide what is the most important area to clean. Do you have to do the washing, do you have to clean your sheets or do you need to clean the pile of books off your nightstand? Start with the biggest “problem” first.

2. Prepare Everything that you Need

Make sure you have everything you need before you get started – a vacuum cleaner, dust rags, washing baskets and clean sheets. Make sure you have everything you need before you get started.

how to clean bedroom

Credit: Midway

3. Start with the Big Piles – Declutter and Pick Up

Start with your biggest offenders on the priority list you made earlier. You will feel more satisfaction as you tick of the bigger items on your to-do list first.  Tidying up will also make it easier to clean everything when you get to that stage. 

4. Make your Bed (and/or wash your sheets)

You need to change your sheets and make your beds. Obviously, your bed is the biggest thing in your room and the most noticeable. There’s nothing nicer than going to bed with clean sheets and there is nothing more noticeable than an unmade bed. Making your bed is the easiest bedroom cleaning tip I can recommend to you.

bedroom cleaning tips

Source: ABC

5. Do a Quick Dust

Wipe down all surfaces and clear the dust. This will make your room look and smell nicer. It’s also healthier, especially if you suffer from allergies or asthma. 

Pro tip: use a microfibre dishtowel or a static dust cloth instead of a feather duster. You could also use a microfibre wand for hard to reach areas. The microfibre does a much better job of retaining the dust so it doesn’t end up in the air and back on your things again a day later.

6. Vacuum and/or Mop the Floor

A quick dust is important but then you need to vacuum the floor to clean up any dust that has been dispersed. Always clean the floors last and work your way towards the door from the farthest corner of the room. 

Once a Year – Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Bedroom

Your yearly spring clean is an extension of all of the tips mentioned above. In addition to the bedroom cleaning tips above, you need to do each of the following once a year:

Wash Walls and Windows – Don’t just dust, but actually wash and clean your walls and windows to make sure your room is really clean. Walls can be washed with damp cloth dipped in a buckets of sugar soap and water. You can read more about How to Clean Windows Without Streaks in a different post of ours by clicking the link. 

Deep Clean Hardwood Floors and/or Steam Clean Carpets – Remove stains and deeply ingrained dirt by deep cleaning your floorboards or by steam cleaning carpets. While you should be mopping your floors at least weekly, once a year, you may also want to consider adding some bicarb soda to your bucket before you start mopping them. You could even use a microfibre swiffer, which tends to pick up more dirt. You’ll be seriously surprised how dirty the floors are even after weekly mopping. 

We recommend moving your bed and furniture around so that you can clean underneath them. Over a year, a lot of dust will accumulate under these objects in your room, so it’s important to get rid of them to keep your room hygienic. 

Make it Fun and Give Yourself a Reward

My final cleaning tip for your bedroom relate to incentives. There is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself whilst you clean and after you clean your bedroom. It will also make you more likely to get it done if you treat yourself in exchange for the effort – go on, you know you want to!

Listen to your favourite tracks whilst you clean – You can make your bedroom cleaning a little less boring by listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook whilst you do your cleaning. Stick on your favourite tracks and make cleaning a little more fun.

Give yourself a reward for a job well done – Finally, after you have finished cleaning your bedroom, make sure you reward yourself for a job well done. This could be any that tickles your fancy, such as taking yourself to a movie, going out for brunch, or having a few afternoon beers in the sun. 

After all, you’ve earned it! 

Speaking of which, here’s a reward for you for getting this far!

Can’t be bothered with all of this? Why not get someone else to take care of it instead? As mentioned at the beginning of this post, we love cleaning!

Simply Spotless offer regular house cleaning and deep cleaning (spring cleaning) services all over Sydney. Get a quote for a cleaning service and even book online right here on our website. 

Book a home cleaning service or deep cleaning service online instantly!

Book a home cleaning service or end of lease cleaner online instantly!

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