How to Clean Mould Off Outdoor Cushions and Furniture

If you have an outdoor area, chances are you have outdoor furniture. Outdoor furniture is often combined with colourful cushions to add a touch of colour to any entertaining area – the colours you choose represent your own personal flair. The purpose of this article is to help you look after your outdoor cushions and furniture. We want to share with you our best expert tips on how to clean mould off outdoor cushions and furniture.

Before we get into more detail, the first thing we want to tell you is not to panic. If you suspect that you have mould, and you need to clean mould off outdoor cushions or furniture it’s not the end of the world. Please don’t panic.

In this article we will share with you some simple steps to follow to clean mould off your outdoor cushions or your outdoor furniture. In this article we are going to share with you the following:

  • How to identify mould
  • The right tools and techniques to use to clean mould off outdoor cushions and furniture
  • How you can prevent mould from covering your cushions or furniture in the future
  • When your cushions or furniture may be too far gone and it’s time to upgrade
clean mould off outdoor cushions

Source: Clever Patio

How to clean mould off outdoor cushions and furniture

How to identify mould on your outdoor cushions and furniture.

Before we get into how to identify mould, we just wanted to offer you some quick reassurance. Mould is a common problem. Mould can grow anywhere but it does thrive more in moist, warm, and dark conditions. If you live in a more humid location it’s more than likely that you will end up with mould at some stage. But, again, just to reiterate, mould can happen anywhere. It is important that you identify and deal with mould quickly. Mould can damage your furniture but it can also impact your health.

Here’s what you need to keep an eye out for if you think your outdoor cushions or furniture may have mould on them.

Have you noticed any black or dark spots on your cushions?

Mould is most commonly seen as dark spots, almost black. If you have unexpected spots like this on your cushions or furniture, then it could be a sign of mould. Having said that, sometimes mould can appear as a blue or green discolouration.

Have you noticed any furry stains on your cushions?

If you notice any fuzzy growth on your cushions, this is also likely a mould infestation.

Do your outdoor cushions or furniture smell funny?

Another thing that you may notice, and may be a sign of mould, is a musty or dirty smell.

If you have one, or more, of these appearing on your outdoor cushions or furniture it’s best to assume that you have mould and go through the processes outlined below to clean mould off outdoor cushions and furniture. If you expect something is going on, it’s better to be safe – for your own health and safety.

How to clean mould off outdoor cushions and furniture made from different materials.

Before you start cleaning mould off outdoor cushions and furniture, it’s important that you create your cleaning formula correctly based on what materials are used to make your outdoor furniture.

Fabric Cushions 

We recommend a solution of vinegar and water to clean mould off outdoor cushions made of fabric. Create a solution of half a cup of vinegar mixed with half a cup of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray this on the affected areas of your cushion. After spraying the affected area you should then scrub the affected area with a scrubbing brush. Depending on how big the mould infestation is, you may need to follow this process more than once. Alternatively, you can strip the cushion cover and chuck it in the washing machine. In addition to your normal detergent, add 1-2 cups of vinegar to each load.

Pro tip: dry the cushions in the sun to kill off any mould spores left behind. 

Another option is to mix half a cup of bleach in 3.5-4 litres of water. Spray the solution onto the cushion and scrub the affected area with a scrubbing brush. Make sure you do this in a well ventilated area whilst wearing gloves. It would also be safer to wear a mask whilst you are cleaning too.

Warning: this method should only be used on white or colourfast material. Spot test the solution on a hidden area or check the label to see if it says not to use bleach. In this instance it may be better to look at something like lysol or borax instead of bleach – both commonly available cleaning products that you can pick up at the supermarket.

Acrylic Cushions

Another common material for outdoor cushions is acrylic, which tends to stain more easily and therefore needs to be treated more quickly. With acrylic cushions you should NOT use a scrubbing brush as this can damage the acrylic material. To clean mould off outdoor cushions made from acrylic materials, you should use a slightly different solution than if you have fabric cushions. You should mix 1 cup of bleach (check the cushion label), 2 cups of detergent and 3.5 litres of water. Add this solution to a spray bottle and then spray it on the affected area. You should leave it to sit for a while before rinsing off with water using a sponge. Check the label to see if the cushion material is sensitive to water temperature.  

Wooden Furniture

If you are looking to clean mould off wooden furniture we don’t necessarily recommend a bleach solution as this can damage your wooden furniture. We recommend a solution of ammonia, vinegar, bicarb soda and water. Mix a solution of 1 cup ammonia, 1⁄2 cup white vinegar, and 1⁄4 cup of baking soda into half a bucket of water and then wipe down the furniture with a cloth soaked in the solution. 

Wicker Furniture

Wicker furniture can be harder to clean, given it has a lot of hard to reach areas that you may not be able to wipe down with a cloth. If you need to clean mould from wicker furniture you may need to use a high pressure hose to get into those hard to reach areas and remove mould. However, test the pressure to ensure it is low enough to not cause damage. Another option is to use the solution mentioned above and a scrubbing brush, which will get to get in between the weaves. 

clean mould off outdoor furniture

Credit: 21oak

Metal Furniture

If you have mould on your metal outdoor furniture, this is probably the easiest of all outdoor furniture materials to clean. You really only need to wipe it down with a solution of mild soap and water.

How to clean mould off outdoor cushions and furniture made from different materials.

If you’ve had to go through the process of cleaning mould off outdoor cushions and furniture, chances are you won’t want to do it again. There are a number of commonly available solutions that you can purchase to apply to your outdoor cushions and furniture to protect them from future mould growth. 

Many of these products will add extra protection to your outdoor cushions and furniture – giving you extra protection against moisture and sun fading. One of the most common brands available is Scotchgard – available from Bunnings or your local supermarket. You can apply this or a similar product to your outdoor furniture to protect against mould as well as other stains and spills. 

You also need to try to store your cushions out of the rain and, if they do get wet, then dry them off as soon as possible.

In ideal circumstances you would be able to avoid getting mould on your outdoor cushions or furniture. But as mentioned in the introduction, mould is common and sometimes can’t be avoided. We’ve shared with you some advice on how to clean mould off outdoor cushions and furniture, as well as made a quick recommendation on how to prevent future mould growth.

If you’re looking for a cleaning service that can help you with your day-today maintenance, please get in touch for a no obligation discussion and we can show you how we can look after your outdoor areas as a regular part of our home cleaning routine.

Book a home cleaning service or end of lease cleaner online instantly!

Book a home cleaning service or end of lease cleaner online instantly!

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