How to Clean Your Oven – Oven Cleaning Hacks
How to Clean Your Oven Naturally
Cleaning your oven with a chemical like Easy Off Bam is super easy. Our domestic cleaners use chemicals that make it easy to clean your oven because they dissolve hardened grease so you can just wipe them clean. However, if you don’t want to use harsh chemicals then you might want to know how to clean your oven naturally.
If you want to avoid harsh chemicals, then you could be in for a bit of a chore if the oven hasn’t been cleaned in a while Fortunately, there are a ton of things you can do to make it easier to clean your oven without chemicals. In this post, you’ll learn some tips and tricks that use only common, harmless household products.
Image courtesy: Woman’s Day
The Best Ways to Clean An Oven
There are lots of different ways to clean an oven. Some ovens have an auto-cleaning setting, which we don’t necessarily recommend. That’s because this setting simply turns the oven on and cooks everything in it, which is supposed to make it easier to wipe away the dirt. However, in reality, this often can result in burnt grease, which may make it harder to clean or set off your smoke alarm. This is particularly the case if the oven is old and hasn’t been cleaned in a while.
So what should you do? Well here are a couple of different ways you can clean your oven naturally:
Vinegar, baking soda, & elbow grease
1. Make a paste by mixing together half a cup of baking soda and a few tablespoons of water. You may need to play with the ratio a little bit until you get a spreadable paste.
2. Coat the entire oven in the paste but avoid the heating elements. This can be messy so you may want to wear gloves. You’ll need to add more paste to the most greasy areas. Don’t be deterred if the paste turns brown, that’s all part of the process.
3. Leave overnight. Once you’ve coated the whole oven interior (including the trays) with the paste, leave it to rest overnight for at least 12 hours.
4. Wipe the oven clean. Once enough time has passed, you should be able to wipe the oven clean with a damp cloth. The cloth will get filthy and stained so be prepared to throw it away or wash it with stain remover. TIP: use a spatula or scraper to loosen any spots that are stuck onto the oven or trays.
5. Spray some vinegar into the parts of oven that still have the paste stuck on it. The vinegar will react with the baking soda and it will start to create foam, which is easier to wipe away.
6. Final wipe-down. Using a fresh damp cloth and a spray bottle mixed with water and a dash of vinegar, give the oven another wipe down until it’s shiny and clean.
Use Ammonia to clean your oven overnight
Looking for a way to clean your oven with a little less effort? I’ve not personally tried this trick but I hear it works wonders. It does require that you have ammonia at your disposal, which is not as common as baking soda and vinegar.
Heat your oven on conventional mode to 95% (just below boiling point). Then place a bowl of boiling water on the bottom rack and a bowl of ammonia on the top rack. THEN TURN THE OVEN OFF! Leave it to sit overnight and you’ll be able to easily wipe the oven clean in the morning.
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