Experts Share Their Top Tips To Eliminate Dust

By writing this article we want to make it clear that we are not doubting your cleaning skills. We know you probably have a great system for the kitchen and bathroom. If your skills are “next level” you probably have a system for managing clutter as well. But if you are like many we speak to, you still have a problem with dust. Don’t worry, this is common. This is why we have written this article. Our experts wanted to share with you their top tips to eliminate dust

We get it. It’s a common complaint that we hear from our clients. You clean regularly. But no matter what you do, and how often you do it, it seems there’s always a layer of dust on all your surfaces. Believe it or not, it is preventable. We will share with you some of our best tips below.

Top tips to eliminate dust

Want to eliminate dust? Here are the top tips to eliminate dust you should follow.

Stop dust at the source. Don’t let it in the house.

Whilst you will never be able to keep all dust out of the house the first tip to eliminate dust is to do everything you can to keep it out of the house. A good start is to make sure you have heavy duty doormats at your front and back door. This alone can have the biggest impact on ensuring you and your family limit the amount of dust tracked inside the house. By using door mats and cleaning these mats every few days, you will see a significant reduction in dust. 

In a similar vein, you should place weather strips on all of your doors. This will help stop dust getting into your house through any gaps.

Make sure your pets are well groomed, and groom them outside.

Our second top tip to eliminate dust involves one of the most important members of your family – your pet cat or dog. You need to make sure they are groomed regularly, as a shedding pet is a significant source of dust. You should groom them regularly and, if possible, do it outside. 

Dust removal tips

Clean away your clutter regularly.

Paper, fabrics and other clutter can be another source of dust. So, another top tip to eliminate dust is to ensure that you remove clutter as much as possible. This means making sure you clear away any papers – magazines, newspapers etc – and you don’t leave piles of clothes lying around. 

Too much clutter around the house also just makes dusting harder. If your flat surfaces are constantly covered, you are going to be less motivated to clean up these surfaces. We all have a chair or a table where we tend to dump our stuff. Trying to tidy this area regularly. 

Make sure you regularly change your bed sheets.

Our fourth top tip to eliminate dust is to make sure that you change your sheets. I mean you should be doing this regularly anyway but this can be one area of the home where people are often lax. 

Sheets that aren’t changed regularly are a haven for dust. You have a combination of fabric fibres and skin particles that can settle in the bed. As you get in and out of bed in the morning and at night, these particles can be further spread throughout the house. 

As well as cleaning your sheets you need to regularly wash your pillows, your doona, and any other mattress protectors that may be on your bed.

Upgrade your Vacuum Cleaner.

Our next top tip to eliminate dust is to get yourself an upgraded vacuum cleaner. If you use a cheap or old vacuum cleaner, it’s possible that it won’t trap and collect dust in your house. It may just end up moving it around the house. Do yourself a favour and get a better vacuum cleaner if you want to eliminate dust from around your house.  

How to reduce dust in your home

You can’t fully eliminate dust, but you can make dusting easier.

So, we have shared our top tips to eliminate dust above, but unfortunately these tips aren’t necessarily 100% foolproof. Whilst the tips mentioned above will significantly reduce the dust in your home, there are times when you will still have to do some dusting.

Here are the tips to make your life easier for those moments when you can’t fully eliminate dust.

We’ve broken these tips down room by room.

Dust Elimination Tips – The Kitchen

To fully eliminate dust in the kitchen (well, minimise dust in the kitchen) you need to make sure you attack all areas where dust can accumulate. You need to remove dust from cupboards and counters. The best way  to do this is to make sure that you use a two step process. First you should wipe down all surface areas with a clean damp cloth (or cleaning wipes.) After you have wiped down these surfaces and allowed them to dry, you may want to vacuum these surfaces to remove any excess dust and debris.

You also need to make sure that you vacuum around your fridge and freezer, down the sides of these appliances. Make sure you don’t forget to vacuum and clean behind them too.

Dust Elimination Tips – The Living Room

The best dust elimination tip for the Living Room is that you should be more thorough with your vacuuming. You need to make sure you get the vacuum in spaces you may not normally vacuum. It’s okay. You don’t need to do this every time but if you want to eliminate dust you need to make sure that you are regularly vacuuming under and behind furniture. You really do need to get into those hard to reach places. 

You also want to vacuum your couches and chairs, making sure you get into all the crevices that could be hiding dust. Finally, make sure you wash your cushion covers regularly.

Dust Elimination Tips – Walls, Curtains & Blinds

You need to wash your walls and wipe down your curtains and blinds. Curtains and blinds especially are particularly good at trapping dust. If you have the right attachment you may also want to vacuum your curtains and blind.

Walls don’t always harvest dust but it’s still important to make sure you clean them regularly. You risk mould growing in your cracks if you don’t clean your walls regularly enough.

Dust Elimination Tips – Heaters, Lights & Ceiling Fans

If you want to give yourself the best chance of eliminating dust throughout the house, you need to ensure you are cleaning your light fittings, heaters, and ceiling fans. Light fittings and fans are dust magnets. Dust can settle on lampshades, fan blades, fittings and even globes. Wipe them down regularly, but don’t do it whilst the light is on. 

You also want to make sure you clean and dust properly behind your heaters, air conditioners and fans. These spots are often ignored when people do a regular clean and can become significant collectors of dust. Depending on your type of heater, air conditioner, or fan, this dust then gets blown around the room when the appliance gets turned on. 

We know that the battle against dust in your home can feel like a never-ending one. Almost as soon as you have removed dust, more seems to accumulate. This is why we wrote this article. We wanted to share with you our top tips to eliminate dust so that you can keep dust in your house at bay.

It’s important that you do this for a couple of reasons. Not only can dust be unsightly around the house, it can also be a big cause of allergies and worsen the symptoms of hay-fever – stuffy nose, runny and irritated eyes. If left unchecked, it could lead to mould and more serious health conditions. 

For many, the thought of battling dust alone is not one that they want to face. If you would like us to help you eliminate the dust problem in your house please don’t hesitate to get in touch today for a no obligation quote. We’d love to help you out with all your home cleaning needs in Sydney.

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