End of Lease Cleaning Thornbury

Book high quality end of lease cleaning in Thornbury online instantly.

100% Bond Back Guarantee!

professional end of lease cleaners Abbotsford

Trusted Professionals

Experienced professionals specialising in end of lease cleaning in Thornbury will follow an agent approved checklist.

Book end of lease cleaning in Abbotsford

Saves You Time

Book end of lease cleaning in Thornbury online instantly and get your bond back – 100% guaranteed.

secure automated payments

Secure Payments

Payments processed securely and automatically after your end of lease cleaning service is complete.

How it Works

1. Book

Get an instant quote for end of lease cleaning in Thornbury with our online booking form.

2. Match

We’ll match you with local, professional end of lease cleaners in Thornbury.

3. Pay

Payment processed securely after your end of lease cleaning service is complete.

4. Review

If the cleaners miss anything, let us know within 72 hours and we’ll send them back for free!

What’s Included?

To get a quote for end of lease cleaning in Thornbury online, just complete steps 1-3 on our booking form.

Our system will calculate the cost based on the size of your home, which is estimated using the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

Make sure you add the “bond clean” extra or you won’t get the bond back guarantee. 

When you add the “bond clean” extra, you end of lease cleaning service in Thornbury will include:

All Rooms

Thorough clean of all bedrooms, living rooms, and dining areas.

Oven Interior

Deep cleaning of the oven interior, including the grill and trays will leave your oven looking like new.

Window Interiors

1-2 hours of interior window cleaning is included. If your home needs more time for the windows, our cleaners will let you know.

Kitchen, Bathrooms, & Laundry

Thorough clean of the kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry

Cabinet and Drawer Interiors

All interiors of cabinets and drawers in the bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen will be wipe clean.

Plus More

The checklist also includes details expected by your agent, such as the range-hoods, skirting boards, light fittings, etc.

Need something else done?

Simply add extras like the blinds, balconies, carpet steam cleaning, etc. 

Carpet steam cleaning

Carpet Steam Cleaning

Select the number of areas that need carpet steam cleaning cleaning and our end of lease cleaners will add it to their list.

Wall washing

Wall Washing

If your walls need washing, we’ll gladly invest up to a 1 hour extra on this task. We’lll let you know if more time is needed. Doesn’t include skirting boards.

Blind cleaning

Blind Cleaning

Do you need the blinds to be cleaned? Add this extra to your order for thorough blind cleaning.

Tumble dryer cleaning

Tumble Dryer Cleaning

Is there a tumbler dryer in need of a thorough scrub? We will clean tumbler dryers for you in a matter of minutes. Add this extra to your bundle and we’ll get right on it.

Deep cleaning service

Deep Cleaning

If your property requires additional attention, simply include this extra service to ensure our bond cleaners have ample time to address all your needs.

End of lease cleaning checklist

End of Lease Flea Treatment (pest control)

If pets resided in your rental property, a pest control certificate confirming completion of flea treatment is required. Add it to your order and we’ll provide the treatment.

Balcony & garage cleaning

Garage Sweep & Tidy

Does your garage need a little bit of sprucing up? Our professionals will sweep and tidy up your garage too. Just make sure you select the number of car spots in your garage.

Fridge cleaning

Fridge Interior

Add fridge interior cleaning to your cleaning order and we’ll make sure your fridge is squeaky clean for the next tenant to use it carefree.

Dishwasher cleaning

Dishwasher Interior

Simply Spotless is here to offer additional dishwasher cleaning service. We’ll make sure the doors and linings are cared for, after you add this extra to your order.

Window cleaning

Sliding Glass Doors

Should you possess multiple sets of glass doors, kindly inform us of the quantity needing cleaning. We'll diligently clean both the interior and exterior surfaces of the glass doors, along with their tracks, guaranteeing an exhaustive and meticulous cleaning service.

Balcony & garage cleaning

Balcony/Deck/Patio Cleaning

Don’t worry about your balcony, deck, or patio because we will pay attention to those areas too if you add them to your initial order. Don’t forget to tell us the number of areas you'd like to be cleaned.

Book end of lease cleaning in Thornbury and get a 100% Bond Back Guarantee!


Customer Reviews

The online platform made it so easy to book a cleaner. Great customer service. Excellent clean. I would highly recommend Simply Spotless Cleaning to the Google community and would use them again.

number 1 rated cleaners in Sydney


Used this service for end of lease clean and was super happy with the outcome. The booking process was hassle free, price was competitive, cleaners were punctual and we got all of our bond back!

Would definitely use again.

number 1 rated cleaners in Sydney


Friendly, reliable, & affordable. Have used Simply Spotless 5 times and have been extremely satisfied with the attention to detail and professionalism of their cleaners. Highly recommend.

number 1 rated cleaners in Sydney


Why we’re loved

Agent approved

First, our cleaners use a thorough cleaning checklist approved by agents and designed to get your bond back

Saves time

Book your end of lease cleaning service online in minutes and then sit back and relax

Competitive pricing

High quality end of lease cleaners for reasonable and competitive prices

Bond back guarantee

We provide a 100% guarantee that our cleaning will get your bond back or we’ll redo it for free

Trained professionals

Our end of lease cleaners know what agents expect and pay attention to details

Secure cashless payment

Lastly, secure, encrypted, and automatic payments processed after the bond clean is complete

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I book bond cleaning in Thornbury?

Simply complete steps 1-3 on the booking form so we can calculate how much time you need for a thorough clean. When you’re ready to book, complete the rest of the form and click ‘book now’.

We’ll match you with a team of experienced bond cleaning professionals and then send you an email to confirm your booking.

How long will my bond cleaning service take?

That depends on the size of your home! Our system will calculate the amount of time needed based on the size of your home and what extras you add, such as “bond clean” extra, and other extras like blind cleaning or balcony cleaning. 

The time estimate will be visible when you make a booking online. This estimate is the total number of work hours needed. For bond cleaning in Thornbury, it’s usually a minimum of two cleaners that attend the job, which means it will take half the amount of time quoted. 

Is carpet steam cleaning included?

No, carpet steam cleaning is not included in the “bond clean” extra because not everyone needs it. If your rental property has carpets, then you can add carpet steam cleaning by selecting the “carpet steam cleaning” extra.

Then select the number of rooms that need steam cleaning – make sure you include staircases, hallways, and living/dining rooms or they won’t be included in your booking. 

Please also specify which rooms needs to be done in the “additional information” section of the booking form.

Do I have to be home when the bond cleaners come?

No, you don’t! Many of our clients choose to leave a key for the cleaners so they can take advantage of their free time.

Since bond cleaning requires the property to be empty, you might want to consider leaving the door unlocked and then requesting that the cleaners lock it when they leave.

Our end of lease cleaners in Thornbury are background checked, so you’re in safe hands. 

How do I pay for my bond cleaning service?

When you book end of lease cleaning in Thornbury, you will enter your card details, which are stored in a secure, encrypted format (even we can’t see them!).

Payments will only be debited from your card after your end of lease cleaning service is complete. 

What is the 100% Bond Back Guarantee?

Our cleaners follow a special, agent-approved bond cleaning checklist, which you can see on our FAQ page

If your property manager or agent notices an item on the end of lease cleaning checklist that was missed, then just let us know within 72 hours and we’ll send the cleaners back completely free of charge.

Got a different question? Visit our FAQ page or send us a message and we’ll answer your question as soon as possible.

Book end of lease cleaning in Thornbury online!

Use our booking form to generate a customised quote and then book your bond cleaners in Thornbury online instantly.

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